Saturday, March 17, 2012

Using Apex Data loader from command prompt

Recently I came with a task of uploading data in salesforce automatically, I found that we can use command prompt for this purpose. All we need is to have the following files

         Mapping Files
         Data Files


This file contains all the configuration properties for Data Loader including the UserName and Encrypted Password of your Salesforce Environment and Proxy Address Info.
This file can be accessed from
for XP: "C:\Program Files\\Data Loader\conf
for Vista: "C:\Users\'UserName'\AppData\Roaming\\Apex Dataloader\"


This XML file contains all the operations we will be doing in Data Loader i.e Insert Operation,Delete Operation,Upsert operation,Extract Operation, Update operation. This file is can be accessed from

for XP: "C:\Program Files\\Data Loader\conf
for Vista: "C:\Users\'UserName'\AppData\Roaming\\Apex Dataloader\"

Mapping Files:

These are ".SDL" files which can be used to Map the data in our ".CSV" file with different fields in our salesforce environment.This files can be generated automatically once we use Data Loader for any CRUD operation.

Data Files:

These files are the files that contain our actual data to be used for any of the CRUD operation.These files should be of .CSV type.

Check Out How to run this Data loading from command prompt

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